The second working meeting took place on ZOOM on 5 July 2021 even most of the participants shared during the talks that they are fully vaccinated. The partners discussed the development of the planned activities and possible improvements in the joint work and the learning platform. In order to facilitate improvements seen as necessary or useful by the older people themselves we had a special session with an update from each country on a revision of the GrandExpertS authoring training and findings from conducted focus groups with participants in GrandExperts project. These presentations by partners included also short reflections on the development of digital experiences with seniors during the pandemic. It was decided that an additional module on how to write for e-learning will be developed. Together with the partners from ILI at Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nurnberg and Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Senioren-Organisationen e.V. (BAGSO) from Germany, Jaume I University from Spain and Silver Thread from Ireland we discussed the progress of the project website.
SenGuide Project is realised with the support of Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission.