Social Inclusion and Dignity in Old Age


A substantial number of older people in Europe are at risk of poverty and social exclusion. The percentage in Bulgaria is particularly high.  Income in old age is often not sufficient to cover even basic needs. The existing programmes and clubs for older people are not yet sufficient. Tulip Foundation takes active part and stimulates participation of civil organisations in various activities, programmes and projects aimed at social inclusion in old age - working meetings and discussions of different models for social inclusion; consultations with older people on policies and programmes; opportunities for financial literacy of older people etc.

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Towards dignified and active ageing in Europe

A Public Policy Event “Towards dignified and active ageing in Italy and Europe” took place in Rome on 11 April 2024. It was hosted by our Italian colleagues from Anp-CIA. The meeting was organised in cooperation with AGE Platform Europe. The event brought together politicians and civil organisations working for and with older people in Italy and various European countries. The formal meeting was followed by a networking lunch between AGE Council members and Italian members.

In the next days the Council of Administration of AGE Platform Europe had its statutory meeting.  Discussion and presentations included preparation for GA of the organisation as well current topics like AGE Eurobarometer, upcoming EU parliamentary elections and European strategies for older people.

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