1 October - International Day of the Elderly people


Society of All Ages is an annual campaign engaging tens of civil organisations to mark 1 October – the International Day of Older People. It takes place since 2008 with the aim to draw the attention of the society to the capacities and the difficulties of older people; to recognise their contribution to our society and to make us listen to what they have to tell us.

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Society of All Ages Campaign

The date 1 October is dedicated to older people, but the campaign “Society of all ages” is for everyone. This summer the International Youth day was marked with the motto Solidarity between generations. And in the beginning of autumn Tulip Foundation encourages people and organisations to get involved in the International Day of Older People.

In a rapidly changing world with a war, pandemic, floods == we can feel how vulnerable and interconnected we all are. Love, care, connections between people have many faces. In this campaign we talk about the contribution of older people to their families, communities and societies at large. We involve them in the conversation, encourage and support their full participation in social life in accordance with their rights, needs and preferences.

We invite colleagues and partners to get involved in the campaign so to demonstrate respect and attitude towards our parents, grandparents, teachers and friends.
Get involved so that we together become “Society of all ages”!

Share this information with colleagues, friends and partners.
Let’s be a Society of all ages together!

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