Trusting in Children and Family Programme


Trusting in Children and Families Programme supports thedevelopment of the capacity of local organisations and communities around Bulgaria to protect their children from neglect, abuse, abandonment and subsequent placement in institutions through stimulating: adaptation, introduction and application of up-to-date models and practices based on the strong sides of children and families; early identification and intervention; positive parenthood without violence and active involvement of fathers and male figures from the family circle as an available resource; development of policies for children and families; participation of the local community in initiatives for the wellbeing of children and raising children in family environment. Find out more.

Last news

Closing Conference „How the trust in the family contributes to the full implementation of the right of children?” took place at the House of Science and Technology in Sofia on 3 June 2016.

The main focus was of the event was sharing the lessons learned from practical models and approaches for support for children and their families in Bulgaria by the participants in Trusting in Children and Families Programme. Colleagues from 13 organisations gave many and different answers all having the same sense – people from families and communities are the closest circle to the children and their involvement and empowerment is a guarantee for full implementation of the rights of children.

Denitsa Sacheva, Deputy Minister of Social Policy and Ofelia Kaneva, Chair of the State Agency or Child Protection sent their letters to address the participants.

Galina Markova from Know How Centre at New Bulgarian University presented an in–depth evaluation of the programme. The main elements include conclusions that a community of people and organisations based on shared values has been created in the frame of the programme. The scope of the programme is impressive; all different levels of social work have been covered in various approaches and activities. The participants have achieved enormous progress in documentation of results and changes. A substantial number of partnerships have been developed with various organisations – schools, kindergartens, community clubs, churches, local organisations, social institutions, hospitals etc. Some of the most marginalized groups and people have been reached. From Family group conference practice is seen that more and more people and specialists start to look at the family as a “family”. Empowerment of people and is seen in reports, case studies, interviews, models and documents. There is a noticeable tendency towards standardization of practices.

The recommendations were that a summary of findings of the programme and the evaluation should be published, new opportunities for sustaining and development of the created network to be identified, analysis of some unsuccessful cases to be conducted and successful cases to be followed for a longer time.

The teams of the funded organisations presented their observations and conclusions about the factors, the approaches and the changes achieved. They spoke about challenges, successes and working practices.  The working models of all supported organisations were presented at the event.

The colleagues from Karin Dom Foundation, Egida Association Pazardjik, Future for the Children Association from Kazanluk, Centre Maria Gorna Oriahovitsa and NAVA Plovdiv took part in the panel dedicated to inclusion and participation of families.

Just week before the Father’s Day the presentations about involving and participation of fathers and other significant men included representatives of Helping Hand Foundation Dobrich, Samaritans Association Stara Zagora, Opportunity and Protection Association Haskovo and Children and Youth Association Sofia.

Real involvement and participation of the community requires targeted and long term efforts. The colleagues from NGO Club Targovishte, Sauchastie Association Varna, 1 June Association Biala Slatina and the Bulgarian Association of Adopted people and adoptive parents shared their findings and conclusion on this important theme.

See what mothers, fathers, children, grandmothers and grandfathers, people from the community, volunteers, partners, specialist say at the end of the programme. 

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