The Days of the Good Deeds are for everyone
Get involved in the Days of the Good Deeds in the last week of May so to demonstrate in action the power and the role of volunteers and to encourage more people to participate!

Numerous volunteers in Bulgaria are behind social, cultural, ecological, educational and other initiatives. They make the change, bring the new, and show us the way.  We all want to live well. And it is not necessary to be rich or famous so to be of importance for others. There are many and interesting ways for each of us to help, to be part of other people’s life, to change it for good, to participate together with them in making the change one wants to see. By engaging in one time off or regular volunteer activities people create new connections and friends,  learn a lot about people and life around them, acquire social and professional skills, realise how many things depend on themselves, solve local problems or realise new ideas, have interesting times and a lot of fun while making good deeds.

With some support and their own efforts people can realise their ideas and change lives and opportunities for themselves, their children and communities.

We invite partners, colleagues and friends from civil organisations, community clubs, centres, libraries, business organisations and others to join the Days of Good Deeds with new, old but effective or interesting initiatives in the last week of May – 25 to 31 May 2018.

During the Days of Good Deeds we can together show in action the significance of volunteering, the power and the role of volunteers, to encourage more and various people to engage as volunteers in different initiatives and events in their town, village or community.


Organisations from around the country that have experience in working with volunteers and volunteers – plan new initiatives, support a new cause, start a new activity or repeat something usual in a new way, in a new place or neighbourhood,  engage new volunteers, organise an event to thank your volunteers and show the people how exciting it is to volunteer.

Organisations that have not yet worked with volunteers – this is a great opportunity to attract new supporters and volunteers, to get additional support, to show to the people in your community how important and interesting your work is, to demonstrate the abilities and the skills of the people that you work with, to organise a joint initiative with local school, NGO, club; to get in contact with colleagues who are experienced in working with volunteers. The Advices for planning will help you to start.

Volunteers from all ages -  get involved in a new initiative; support a new cause; invite new or more volunteers to join you; organise a group of friends, colleagues or family to start a new initiative together;  think of people or local school, club, library that have real needs but no one yet supports them.

People who have not been volunteers yet - find out if your children, friends or colleagues act as volunteers and support them; get involved in activities they volunteer; find an interesting initiative in your place take part in it; look for a local NGO which recruits volunteers and support it; design your own initiative and invite friends and family to make it happen together.

For schools, community clubs, kindergartens, libraries, clubs, centres there are so many opportunities – discuss the needs of children and people in your organisation, town or neighbourhood and plan an initiative; repeat an activity that has proved to be a success; look for support from young people, parents, students, local NGOs, business, get in contact with other organisations in your place and check what they need and how can you support them; plan a joint event.

Business organisations – that is an excellent chance to show concern about people in your place and to engage employees for a few hours – plan a volunteer initiative; get in touch with an NGO and help them as volunteers; support a local initiative with materials, goods or services; offer drinks, snacks or awards to the volunteers; inform your employees about the Days of the Good Deeds in your town or community.


  • The Days of the Good Deeds include various initiatives of local organisations aimed directly at people, their needs and abilities around the country. They are an opportunity for organisations and people who are ready to realise their idea as an answer to a local need or a way to start or change something that matters;
  • The initiatives are planned and implemented by local organisations. People themselves decide what is important for them and what they need, what and how they are going to organise, they find the best solution select the date and the way to implement it, and they participate.
  • The activities are different – educational, cultural, social, sportive etc. They are aimed at people from all ages with the participation of volunteers from all ages.
  • The initiatives are realised during the last week of May – 25 to 31 May 2018.

Get involved in the DAYS OF THE GOOD DEEDS!


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