The third working meeting of the partners from Sweden, Germany, Croatia, the UK and Bulgaria took place in Gothenburg, Sweden, in mid-June. The themes for the conference included prevention and health education form early age and long term strategies for health education and especially in difficult times of transition and stress.
Along with various informal meetings and exchanges we had intensive working days on 19 and 20 June. Karin Alsén, a representative from the City of Goteborg, made an interesting presentation about the policies of the city and the project "Equal Gothenburg" including information about promotion of health equity throughout the city of Gothenburg.
Vibeke Bing spoke about the development of Family Centers in Sweden – places for cooperation and social cohesion. The concept is simple - еverything in one place and accessible for each child. The Family Centre is about bringing together knowledge and experience from different professions, sciences and welfare actors. The centrers are targeted at parents expecting a child and all children below the age of six and their parents. It is a complementary pre- school activity, named open nursery school where parents and children go together.
In the afternoon we all visited together the family center in Angered, one of the underprivileged neighborhoods of the city. The local team presented to us their aims, strategies, activities and challenges. Many questions were answered by the team who also showed us the whole centre.
On the second day each partner organisation made a short presentation with information, shared lessons learned and statements concerning the topic of the meeting - health prevention work in every country; free health care for everyone; criteria and strategies to intervene in case of child abuse and neglect; governmental concepts to reach every family and protect every child; health education.
As usually we invited colleagues form other organisation to join our team and to learn on the spot about accessed and proven practices in other European countries. Galina Markova from the Know How Centre for alternative care for children at the New Bulgarian University and Galina Bisset from Equilibrium Ruse visited Gothenburg with us.