First working meeting of the partner organisations in European Exchange programme in Bordeaux, 22-24 November 2017
European Exchanges on Family Group Conferencing is a new programme of Tulip foundation in partnership with Gironde Department, Family Rights Group and NeuKolln von Berlin

The partners from Gironde Departmental Council in France, Family Rights Group from the UK, NeuKolln von Berlin from Germany and Tulip Foundation had their first working meeting in Bordeaux from 22 to 24 November 2017. The meeting was hosted by the Department Gironde and it brought together some 30 representatives of local authorities, social services and NGOs from four countries.

The partners presented their organisation’s structures and activities. The common theme that connected organisations from countries with different cultures and social systems was their interest and experience in Family Group Conferencing. The participants discussed the ambitious aims of the joint programme, the expected outcomes, the key elements. During the second day we visited together the Pole Territorial de Solidarite de basin in Lanton, where we got acquainted with the functioning of the social system in Gironde.  After the visit we discussed in details the planned activities, the mobiliites for the next calendar year, the envisaged guide and materials.

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