Еxchange of practices for Family Group Conferencing in Europe – working meeting and training with the partners from France, The UK, Germany and Bulgaria in Sofia
Working meeting in the frame of Programme for exchange of practices for Family Group Conferencing in Sofia, 24 – 27 September 2018

The last meeting and training in the frame of the programme for exchange of practices for Family Group Conferencing in Europe was hosted by Tulip Foundation in Sofia from 24 to 27 September. The main themes included use of FGCs in response to old age and disability issues; FGC as an innovative lever for social link consolidation; challenges and solutions in FGC practice; relationships between coordinators and social workers; communication about FGC towards the public. Important theme was the participation of children and young people in the family decision process and in later life.

Together with our partners and friends from Bordeaux, Berlin, London, Leeds, Edinburg and Amsterdam we spent four days sharing knowledge and experience in supporting children and families, people with disabilities, in social isolation and older people using  Family group conferencing. The agenda of the forum included presentations, discussions, group work etc. Rob van Pagee from our partner organisation Eigen Kracht Centrale from the Netherlands joined us especially for the meeting.

Along with our colleagues from от Département de la Gironde, AED Rénovation, AGEP Association, Family Rights Group, The City of Edinburgh Council, Hertfordshire County Council, Leeds City Council, The University of Salford, Bezirksamt Neukölln von Berlin, JaKuS gGmbH, Eigen Kracht Centrale representatives of the State Agency for Child Protection, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Agency for Social Assistance, Ministry of Education and Science, The Ombudsman of the Republic of Bulgaria, Opportunity and Protection Association Haskovo, Naia Association Targovishte and Sauchastie Association Varna took part in the meeting.

In the frame of the working meeting of the core team of the transnational project we planned the next steps and the work on the Best practice guide. The “Exchange of practices for Family Group Conferencing in Europe” project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the EC.

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