This autumn the annual FGC network meeting took place in Prague from 4 to 6 October. It was organised by Asociace rodinných konferencí and hosted by the Municipality of Prague. Some 50 representatives of more than 20 organisations from around Europe got together in Prague for 3 days for the annual meeting of the EU FGC network. Colleagues from Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, England, Scotland and Wales, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Germany etc. participated in the event.
From 4 to 6 October they shared information from their countries about recent developments, challenges and achievements, researches and new practices. A lot of questions were raised and the discussions were very interesting. The “open space” time of the meeting included presentations and discussions about:
- Lifelong links – finding connections for children in care
- Training standards for coordinators
- Presence / participation of children
- Preparation of children and youth
- Communication tools for FGC
- FGC and domestic violence
- FGC in schools and other issues.