Guest speakers from Bulgaria, Slovakia and Bosnia and Herzegovina told about their experience in FGC to their Czech colleagues in Pardubice, 17 May 2018
Tulip Foundation shared its experience in Family Group Conferences at a national conference “With confidence in the Family - FGC’s in practice” in Czech Republic.

The colleagues from RK Centrum in the Check Republic organised a national conference to present widely and share their experience in FGC. They invited also partners from other countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Monika Miklošková from Úsmev ako dar presented “The results and the challenges of the implementation process”: based on their almost 10 years practice in Slovakia. Branka Ivanovič from IN Foundation presented “An innovative model for support to Multi Problem families – the experience of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Maria Petkova from Tulip Foundation spoke about “Family group conference as an opportunity for children, families and specialists”.

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