Second working meeting of the partners in the frame of the GrandExperts programme took place in Utrecht, 15-16 May 2018
The teams of six organisations from five European countries came together in Utrecht to discuss progress and future steps in joint work to train older experts to share their knowledge.
The Grand Experts programme meeting was hosted by our Dutch colleagues from Art Age Foundation. It took place in Utrecht in a space just next to the Old canal in the city.
The teams of the partner organisations discussed the implementation of the project plan, its objectives, work plan, deliverables, and role of partners as well as dissemination and organisation of multiplier events. We also talked about the authoring training - translation and localization; the actual training; and the learning management system. The set of digital modules including methodology and time table were discussed as well.
At the end of the meeting we have a boat trip around the canals as everyone does when in Utrecht in the beginning of summer.