The European FGC network has its spring virtual meeting for years now. It is a good learning and sharing event in between live meetings. Tulip Foundation hosted the meeting which took place on 14 and 15 March. Together with some 30 colleagues form 11 European countries we talked about recent developments and newly identified topics. The key topics for Open space sessions included mediation during preparation phase, techniques/ methods applied; resolving conflicts within family groups; systemic Resistance to changes; exchange of experiences and ideas between countries which are at the moment in the very beginning and in the implementation process of FGC - obstacles and where do you get support from; FGC in a domestic violence – a case where the father had killed the mother; global trend – people talk less and less with other people; family reluctance to engage with FGC, what should be done, when an “important” person of the FGC-scene is leaving the stage.