Tulip Foundation and partners organised various events to mark the Father’s Week – 9 to 15 November 2015

Regardless cultural, religious and social differences millions of people in more than 50 countries around the globe are coming together to celebrate the important role that the father, the grandfather, the uncle, the brother and all significant men from the family circle of children play for their raising and development. It is scientifically proven that the fathers ( biological, adoptive or with other role) help their children to have better friendships, better performance at school, higher self-esteem, better relations with adults and people in general, less risk of using drugs and most importantly – better realization.

As an organisation that works for social inclusion Tulip Foundation is an active member of a group of 10 civil organisations that run the To Be A Father campaign. Tulip Foundation organises together with its partners various events and initiatives in the frame of Father’s Week from 9 to 15 November 2015.

See more information about the events in Bulgarian.

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