There has a lot of talks about violence over the last months – violence in kindergartens, violence in schools, domestic violence, violence in the streets, violence in Internet and the TV… The theme is important but also sensitive for most people and painful for some of them. This is especially valid for children.
The last Wednesday of February millions of students in tens of countries dress in pink to say NO to bulling in school! The tradition starts when a 9 grade student goes to the start of the semester in a pink polo and is bulled by older students. Two of his friends buy and give away to their classmates 50 pink T-shirts on the ne4xt day in solidarity with their friend. Since then the last Wednesday is The T-shirt Day as a day against violence in school.
This year again Tulip Foundation encourages colleagues and partners, specialists and parents to get involved and support children in marking the day against violence in school. We got together – the organisations from To be a Father National Campaign and A key to School Without Violence to invite children to talk with significant men from the family circle – fathers, grandfathers, uncles, big brothers about violence, aggression, bulling.
Get involved with the card Pink T-shirt Day!