Father’s Week 2020
In rhythm with Daddy!

Needs, interests, activities of people change according to the age, the season, the current epidemiological situation. However some things and people are always important! During the week 9 to 15 November we mark the important role of fathers and other significant men form the family circle for the wellbeing of children. This year we are going to make it loudly and with music, songs and dances. Noises, rhythm, music are universal language. All people speak it and understand it.

We encourage parents, specialists, colleagues and friends to organise an initiative and most of all to stimulate parents and children to make something together. This Father’s Week is different. That’s why we suggest some idea and activities that help to have fun at home or online.

Father’s Week is part of the national campaign To Be A Father. The aim of the joint campaign run by Tulip Foundation and seven other civil organisations is to stimulate men to be caring, responsible and non-violent parents in the name of good family relations and the successful development of their children.

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