Eight edition of the competition for short story
Of NGOS and people

Tulip Foundation and the Informational Portal of BOGs in Bulgaria invite civil organisations to tell about the sense of their work. Why? Because we believe that it is important for the society to know us, to understand us, to trust and support us. Thus we can do more for more people. The heading of the competition is a intended provocation and leads to its core – to challenge civil organisations to use honest, human language in their communication with people.

The competition is open for all civil organisations. Tell us in one page Why is your organisation important for the people? Or what would be different if it didn’t exist.

Try not to use professional jargon, terms and foreign words. Sent your text to editor@ngobg.info by 12 May 2023. Note that it is important to send the name of the author, the organisation and contact information.

Jury of professionals in writing will select the best essays according to three criteria - human language of writing; clear and easy to understand presentation of the organisation and its importance for the people and interesting and moving narrative. The best essays will be awarded with a special grant and public presentation.

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