The last Learning, Teaching & Training Event in the frame of "Safeguarding the Human Rights of Older People through an Intergenerational Solidarity and Active Citizenship Approach" project took place in Königswinter and Bonn from 3rd to 6th September. The partnership event was organised by BAGSO - the German National Association of Senior Citizens' Organisations. During the gathering we spoke about the human rights in old age: ensuring self-determination and social participation, making a difference together against loneliness, poverty and exclusion in old age, dementia-friendly cities, districts and municipalities, quality of life at the end of life, solutions against loneliness in old age, poverty at all ages and older people in the debt trap. Ina Voelcker from BAGSO introduced the audience to the process of “Strengthening the rights of older people worldwide: The call for a UN Convention on the Rights of older persons”. Especially interesting were the presentation on local alliances for people with dementia and „Being human - remaining human - with and despite dementia” by Waltraut Klein from Alzheimer Society Rhineland-Palatinate. Questions followed the presentation Strengthening social cohesion digitally, what can civil society do? on the DigitalPakt Alter – initiative of BAGSO, funded by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.
During a visit to the United Nations in Bonn we attended a lecture "No one should be left behind": The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The meeting ended at the Haus der Geschichte in Bonn where we had a presentation and a guided visit to the new exhibition #GermanyDigital.
The partnership activities of Sage Advocacy Ireland, Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Senioren-Organisationen e.V. Germany, Pro Senectute Austria and Tulip Foundation Bulgaria are co-funded in the frame of Erasmus+ Programme of the EC.