We quite often read and speak about rights of children, women, people with disabilities, people from minorities… However, we rarely hear anything about the rights of older people.
Tulip Foundation started working on a new project in partnership with Sage Advocacy from Ireland, BAGSO from Germany и Pro Senectute from Austria. Our common goal is to bring the theme about the rights of older people as we stimulate and organize learning and exchange of practices in the field of civil participation and dialog among the generations in our countries.
The first project meeting took place in Bonn in mid-July. With the kind hosting of our colleagues form BAGSO we all shared thoughts and observations about the understanding and the observation of the right of older people in the different countries. We discussed common intentions and planed concrete steps for the coming months.
The Safeguarding older persons’ legal and human rights through an active citizenship inter-generational approach project is supported in the frame of Erasmus+ Programme of the EC.