A meeting of the International Affairs Working Group organised by BAGSO took place at the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture in Bonn in September. It was planned as a forum for exchange between BAGSO member organisations and organisations from other European countries. The leading themes were “How do seniors organise politically in other European countries? How do older people organise to strengthen democracy? What is the situation of older people across Europe?”. Maria Petkova from Tulip Foundation participated in the event and presented the activities of Tulip Foundation aimed at older people in Bulgaria. She also visited projects of German organisations. Anabela Paixao from APRE! from Portugal and Asa Lindestam from NOPO Sweden presented their organisations and activities.
The aim of the gathering was also to bring together organisations and strengthen ties between networks in order to mobilize citizens and policymakers in the context of the European elections and the follow-up to prioritize intergenerational solidarity in the next legislature. The Intergenerational declaration of AGE and the EYF was presented.