Ask the family, ask the professional family
Spring online EU FGC network talks

In the mornings of 12 and 13 April we had two inspiring online sessions with members of the European FGC network. Colleagues from Germany, France, England, Belgium, Austria, Spain, Bulgaria and the Netherlands shared some updates from their countries. We shared also our thoughts about some interesting topics, raised during the sessions. We talked about how do we feel about virtual family group conferences and virtual preparation; how do we promote the idea of FGC and how to deal with “social work traditions”. There was an open discussion about how do the different organisations measure the impact. And a concrete discussion about experiences with FGC in murder cases within the family. We shared information and links about recent research from a few countries. Alв participants had a about the Friday Stories.

The sessions were organised by Tulip Foundation. The meeting was highly motivational for all participants who shared questions and practical experiences.

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