The aim is to identify opportunities for introduction of the programme in other countries in the region.
In the first days Tulip Foundation organised a study visit for colleagues from Moldova, Romania, Serbia and Bosnia to get to know the programme and its introduction in Hungary. From 16 to 19 May 2016 partners from HHC Romania, CCF Moldova, ННС Bosnia, Pomoc deci Serbia and representatives of ministries, governmental agencies, municipalities and various institutions from five countries visited Hungary together with our team. Our partners from Family, Child, Youth Association organised the meetings and presentations.
Along with the presentations of Maria Herczog, chair of the Family, Child, Youth Association; David Kiss, program director, Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta; Magdolna Kannai Drosztmerné, Deputy Head of Department of "Opportunities for Children", Ministry of Human Resources and Erika Kovács, co-ordinator of Sure Start Program in Hungary, we had meetings and conversations with mayors, directors of schools and kindergartens, teams of Sure Start houses in Nogrod region. The participants in the group raised various questions and received many answers.