Technical assistance training aimed at developing the capacity of Tulip Foundation and bringing its work with volunteers in line with the quality standards required by the European Commission's initiative EU Aid Volunteers took place on 25 and 26 May 2017 in Sofia.
We thank our trainers Kasha Tusiewicz and Sandra Victoria Salazar from Alianza por la Solidaridad, Spain and Rosalind Duignan Pearson and David Hedges from Volunteering Matters, UK.
The project was initiated by four organisations - Alianza por la solidaridad, Volonteurope, HBAid and GVC who combine and share expertise in humanitarian aid and volunteer management with the other organisations from across Europe - Chance for Life (Romania), Imago Mundi (Romania), Asociatia Act Integration (Romania), Croatian Baptist Aid, Foundation for Africa (Hungary), Területfejlesztők a Vidékért Egyesület (Hungary), Solidarite Laique (France), La Ligue de l'enseignement, Fédération des Vosges (FR), SOS Malta, ARCI Catania (Italy), CESVOT (Italy), ARCS Culture Solidali (Italy), Gondwana (Italy), Volunteering Matters (UK), ASUR (Spain), MPDL (Spain) and Tulip Foundation (Bulgaria).