The Second Good Deeds Day Global Conference took place in Augsburg, Germany in mid-October. It brought together organisations form more than 50 countries from all continents.
After a lively welcoming event the conference started with a forum “Learning from the Global Movement” where various groups to share their experience in organising Good Deeds Day in their cities and counties. Local voluntary organisations form Rome, San Diego, Kenya, Hong Kong and others told about their events.
The main part of the conference was practically oriented and provided the participants with opportunities to learn. The Building Capacity session was about the GDD Tools and Resources. The session Building Partnerships was mostly focused on sponsorship and work with corporates and how to involve local communities and officials and organizing big events. After the last panel Building a Future which was about GDD Vision and Challenges the participants engaged in a discussion.
Tulip Foundation was invited in relation to its initiative the Day of the Good Deeds which takes place annually in the last week of May.