Attention is most precious form of generosity!
Solidarity between generations, 29 April 2023

We do not inherit the Earth from our parent, we have it as a loan from our children” said Antoine de Saint-Exupéry some 80 years ago. In 21st century in Bulgaria we live together four different generations children and parents with different experience, skills and needs. We have read the fairytales and the old proverbs about the ties and relations between generations.A few unexpected and different crises that we have been through over the recent years have made the theme more relevant than ever, reminding us how critical intergenerational cooperation and solidarity is in an increasingly divided and unequal society.

Tulip Foundation launches for another year the campaign for 29 April април, the European Day of Solidarity between generations. Solidarity has many various forms - an advice, a talk, memories, a cup of tea, moving boxes, stroll or a theater, helping hand. Let’s use this day to call our parents, relatives and friends. Tell a fairytale or a family story to the children and the youth. Find out who are the people on an old family photo. Talk with the neighbors. Remember that all people - young and old, known and unknown, smiling and sad, need attention and respect!

European Day of Solidarity between Generations - 29 April 2023!

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