Volunteering has a return of 5 BGN for each invested lev.
Volunteering is solidarity between generations, inter-cultural dialog and social inclusion.
Every year thousands of volunteers from different generation, with different professions, interests and skills, organise and participate in volunteer initiatives in Bulgaria. This year more than ever voluntary actions were needed – pandemic, war, floods, fires… along with the numerous local educational, cultural, environmental, social, sport and other initiatives. Thousands of volunteers took part in hundreds of initiatives around the country.
We received 37 nominations different initiatives from around the country – from civil organisations, chitalishte, schools, clubs and volunteer groups. These are nominated by volunteers, civil organisations, schools, chitalishte, citizens, mayors.
The members of the Jury are Diana Kovatcheva, Ombudsman of the Republic of Bulgaria, Manol Peikov from Publishing House ZHANET 45 and Alexey Lazarov, Chef editor of Capital Newspaper. They will evaluate the presented initiatives on the basis of their results, the importance for the local community, the number and the involvement of the participants, the impact of the initiative for the development of the capacity of the volunteers and the team of the organisation, the financial effectiveness.
Volunteering is learning, dialog and togetherness!