Bulgarian Social Impact Country Group
We believe that, social impact analysis is a fundamental instrument for reaching real societal change.

It has to be an integral part of the processes of planning of activities, decision making and investment of resources for achieving social inclusion, effective services, quality education, and protected environment.

The social impact analysis:
• Identifies and foresees future consequences of actions that are planned and implemented in the present;
• Studies and reflects planned and unintended, positive and negative sides of the achieved change.

As a social impact group we are open for everyone who is interested and committed to apply this instrument in its work. The group:
• Raises awareness about social impact analysis and encourages its application among civil and donor organisations, individual donors, social investors, and institutions of central and local authorities;
• Looks for opportunities for funding for trainings, events, researches and publications on the issue;
• Organises sub groups or thematically meetings in regard with the interest of the participants in a concrete theme.

We are part of SVI – international professional organisation that supports and represent specialists in the field of social impact analysis in the world.


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