Psychiatric health is an important component of the overall health status of people. It is a result of different factors in human life, social support, individual resources and experiences. The social and economic factors also play an important role. The psychiatric health refers to the positive feeling of well being and self-confidence as well as to the value of the other people in ourlives. It influences our ability to cope with changes, transition periods in life and important events in our lives. The psychiatric disorders are among the most common reason for disabilities all over the world. Their share exceeds that of heart and cancer diseases.
On 22 July 2004 the Bulgarian government adopted a Policy for Psychiatric Health of Republic of Bulgaria for the period 2004 – 2012. A national action plan has been approved for the implementation of this policy. The plan envisages opening and development of services within the community – day centers and clubs, information centers, protected housing. A recent survey of the WHO places Bulgaria on the first place in number of psychiatric patients among seven European states including the UK, France, Germany, etc. At the same time the services available for the psychiatric patents in the country are quite limited. Currently there are three day centers in Pazardjik, Varna and Blagoevgrad, one information center and protected house in Blagoevgrad.
On 6 -7 October 2006 a working meeting on the issues of social support and integration of people with psychiatric problems took place in the Center for Psychiatric Health “Chovekoljubie” in Pazardjik. Among the participants in the meeting were 25 representatives of 11 NGOs from all over the country – Varna, Blagoevgrad, Samuil, Stara Zagora, Vratza, Smolian, Pazardjik and Sofia as well as representatives of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, The Agency for Social Support and the Regional Administration of Pazardjik.
The Minister of Health and the Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Policy congratulated the participants in the meeting and wished them success in their work. Mrs. Peneva, the Deputy Regional Governor came to the opening of the meeting and expressed the readiness of the regional administration to support and cooperate with the local organisations.
In the course of the meeting the participants presented different forms of support and social work among which the day and information centers, home care, psychological consultations for people with psychiatric disorders and their families, labour therapy and protected housing.
In the end of the meeting the participants discussed various possibilities for cooperation and exchange of experience among them and with other governmental and non-governmental organisations working in the same sphere in order to provide efficient support people with psychiatric problems. Among these possibilities they mentioned systematic exchange of information, working visits, trainings, etc.
List of the organisations with a brief summary of their activities will be presented on the web site of Tulip Foundation (www.tulipfoundation.net). Any organisation that wishes to be included in the list and to participate in future working meetings and exchange of experience is invited to fill out an information form and send it to Tulip Foundation by e-mail or ordinary mail.