Violence Against Children
In the last years Tulip Foundation has supported the implementation of various projects of civil organisation aimed at prevention and overcoming the effect of violence against children – an issue of great importance for our society.

“Violence against Children” was the topic of the two-day working meeting that took place on 24–25 November 2006 in Sofia. More than 60 NGOs from all over the country declared their interest in the meeting. Representatives of 35 civil organisations from Plovdiv, Varna, Novi Pazar, Silistra, Gorna Oriahovitza, Pazardjik, Smolian, Berkovitza, Pernik, Targovishte, Pleven, Rouse, Sofia, Dryanovo and other towns and cities took part in the meeting aimed at exchange of information, experience and good practices. All represented organisations implement projects addressing prevention and support for the children and families. The main issues discussed at the meeting covered activities and services within the community, prevention of aggression and violence against children and interaction between civil organisations and state institutions.

The participants spoke about their practical work with children and young people with deviant behaviour, children with disabilities, children at risk, students in the mainstream schools and children living in social institutions. Various models and methods of work were presented among which crisis centers; providing consultative and therapeutic support; hotline; developing and adapting materials, workbooks, tests, standards, etc.; different forms of prevention through art and volunteering; working with parents; trainings for children, parents and specialists /police officers, teachers, school psychologists etc./. Representatives of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and the State Agency for Child Protection.

The participants shared the common understanding that a complex approach is needed for solving the problems related to violence against and among children since the subject is complex and affects many and various aspects. Among the factors that require serious attention the civil sector activists listed the low threshold of identifying violence by children, parents, teachers and specialists working with children; high tolerance towards violence in the society in general and among the children; limited opportunities for utilizing the free time of youngsters.

The participants gathered around the conclusion that the topic violence against childrenis a shared responsibility for the whole society – parents, civil organisations, state institutions and media. Other general conclusions: the good example is the best means for achieving positive results; the problem requires time and systematic efforts; the media has an important role to play in the setting and strengthening of good models of acceptable behaviour and tolerance; interaction among state institutions and civil organisations working with and for children is of key importance for the success of the child protection policies and strategies; sufficient number of adequately prepared pedagogic advisors and psychologists based at schools; the efforts for prevention have to exist alongside the activities for practical support for children victims of violence; the efficient methods of work differ between the cities and smaller towns and villages; there is a need of positive motivation and engaging children in outclass activities in which they can find their interests and strengths; continuous work with parents- information, consultation, involvement.

In the end of the meeting the participants discussed various possibilities for cooperation and exchange of experience among them systematic exchange of information, working visits, trainings, etc.

List of the organisations with a brief summary of their activities will be presented on the web site of Tulip Foundation ( Any organisation that wishes to be included in the list and to participate in future working meetings and exchange of experience is invited to fill out an information form and send it to Tulip Foundation by e-mail or ordinary mail.



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